
Endive, Indivia Scarola Bubikopf 3 Sel. "Compacta"

Endive, Indivia Scarola Bubikopf 3 Sel. "Compacta" Mid-Early. Good sized plant with a compact, full heart. The large rounded leaves are tender and crunchy. Ideal for pan frying with garlic, olive oil and salt. Dark green leaves with more serrated leaves than other escaroles. 50-60 days.  Tender, not bitter, and a reliable header Great escarole taste.


Endive, Indivia Riccia Pancalieri A Costa Bianca

Endive, Indivia Riccia Pancalieri A Costa Bianca. Early.  Endive Riccia Pancalieri. Very large full head. Nice frilly leaves. Larger and later than Cuor d'Oro. Bright green with large ribs and golden heart. Fall or spring, but best color and taste in fall. If desired, blanch heart by covering with pail or bucket or by tying up with string ten days before harvest. Cook as a side dish, use in soups or salads.


Endive Escarole, Indivia Scarola Verde A Cuore Pieno

Verde A Cuore Pieno "Green, Full Hearted Escarole".  Mid-Late. Good sized plant with full compact heart.  Produces a good sized head of crunchy and mild-flavored leaves.  Escarole is an European favorite where the the outer leaves are cooked and the inner leaves are blanched and used in salads.  Also good boiled then used with pasta or just added to soups.  Non GMO Seeds.

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