Indivia Scarola Bionda A Cuore Pieno Sel. "Franchi", Endive Escarole
Bionda a Cuore Pieno Sel. "Franchi" Escarole. Mid-early. Very large head and full heart. Leaves are green and blond with light ribs, and are very crunchy and thick. The leaves grow in layers and grow into large-diameter plants. It has a good texture, and the softened one has less bitterness. The leaves are bright green (green) and blonde (golden), beautiful and are often used in salads and decorations. Full, light green head, very good taste, for salads, soups and braised, needs rather cooler weather for sowing. Tip: Also excellent Italian stews with tomatoes or anchovies . Taste: Very slightly bitter, pleasant and refreshing. Braised mild and pleasant. Sowing June-September
Cultivation: Moisten the fertile soil with good drainage and rich in organic matter, and sow 5 to 6 seeds at a time with a distance of about 12 ". Since it is a photophilic seed, sprinkle the soil very thinly and hold it by hand. When the ground is dry, water it carefully for 5 to 10 days until germination to prevent strong sunlight and rain. Cultivation / soft white cultivation: Thinning out 2-3 times, and when the number of true leaves is about 7, make one per place. Thinned leaves Used for salads and garnishes each time. It grows in a relatively cool climate with a growing temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius, and grows in a well-ventilated place in the half shade that is brighter than direct sunlight. Be careful of running out of water when cultivating in containers. When grown to a diameter of about 10 ", the outer leaves are brought together, the head is tied up with a string, etc., and sunlight is blocked for about 7 days before harvesting (soft white treatment). By doing this, the leaves and stems are softened, bitterness is reduced, and it can be used for raw consumption. The central part is softened and becomes yellowish green. It is cut from the stock and harvested.