Endive, Indivia Riccia Pancalieri A Costa Bianca
Endive, Indivia Riccia Pancalieri A Costa Bianca. Early. Endive Riccia Pancalieri. Very large full head. Nice frilly leaves. Larger and later than Cuor d'Oro. Bright green with large ribs and golden heart. Fall or spring, but best color and taste in fall. If desired, blanch heart by covering with pail or bucket or by tying up with string ten days before harvest. Cook as a side dish, use in soups or salads.
Prolific seeds, mild tasting green that is great for salads and juicing, braises, mincing for soups or rice. A great inter-cropping crop, to shade the soil, conserve water.
Excellent endive, use it in soup and fry it with olive oil, garlic and crushed red peppers. It is very easy to grow. Like all lettuce and greens turns bitter once it gets too hot and too much sun.
10 gram packet. Approximately 900 seeds per gram