Happy Spring

Hello to our Friends of The Heirloom Seed Store. Happy Spring! .
We believe people are thinking it is OK to start planning & planting their home gardens, again. The winter rains did not eliminate our drought, but our customers want to get their hands in the dirt! Many have already started!
It is time to plant starts for our Heirloom Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Eggplant and Peppers. Early May is a good time to put them in the ground once danger of frost and extreme cold has passed. In warmer areas it is sooner, of course.
Our most popular varieties have been Beth Alpha (Persian) Cucumbers, the San Marzano, Costuluto Fiorentino, Principe Borghese, and Black Cherry Tomatoes, the Black Beauty and Prosperosa Eggplant, and the Habanero Pepper Assortments, Picante Calabrese, and Padron Peppers. We also have some gorgeous and delicious Habanero varieties. Check them out!
You might want to check out our website for the various Lettuce and Misticanza varieties we have. Imagine lettuces with flavor! Who knew? A new one to try is the Alpine Mix, mostly Heirloom European Iceberg Varieties with dark green color, great crunch, nutrition and taste!
Not to pack too much into this blog, but 2016 has been declared by the United Nations, the International Year of The Legume! Legumes are made up of: beans lentils, peas and peanuts. WE have seeds for all but the peanuts. They are rich in Calcium, Dietary Fiber, Folate, Iron Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Protein, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, and Zinc. Some of our favorites are Peas: No 9, Piccolo Provenzale, and the Snow Pea Pisello Rampicante Gigante Svizzero/Carouby; Borlotto Beans, Coco Bianco, Canellino, Spanish White Beans, and Christmas Lima Beans.
We will still need to continue to conserve our water, but go plant yourself some fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers. Recycle that water and grow yourself a salad! Easy.
Enjoy the earth and dirt. Gardening is Great Therapy!