Zucche in Miscuglio - Collection of Winter Squash
Winter Squash collection. The mixed winter squash is an assortment, and they aren't individually labeled. These are popular in Italy. A nice mix of all the squash you could ever want for great fall decor and many amazing meals. Moreover, they are not just winter squash, there are also zucchinis and zucchettas in this proportion:
12% Zucca Marina di Chioggia, 11% Zucca Tonda Padana' 11% Zucca Lunga di Napoli, 12% Zucca Berrettina Piacentina
8% Zucca Butternut Rugosa, 11% Zucca Quintale Seme Giallo, 8% ZucchettaTromba d"Albenga, 11% Zucchetta Serpente di Sicilia
8% Zucchino Custard White, 8% Zuccchino Vegetable Spaghetti
They produce a range of rustic lotting fruits of different shapes, colours and sizes. An ideal way to sample the huge range of flavors of this versatile group of plants.