Zinnia - Gigante Di California
Zinnia - Gigante Di California Zinnia Dahlia Mix Annual, up to 3 feet tall, easy to grow, producing large, brightly, vivid colored flowers. Zinnias are always a star in the garden. Pretty and nice for cut flowers.
They grow to 24-30 inches high or so. 75-80 days. Remove dead flowers regularly to prolong flowering. Good hold in the bouquet Use : high flowerbeds, bouquets. Sowing period: from March to May. Flowering: from June to October..Germinates in 10-14 days at 70 degrees. Direct seeding is preferred. Plant 2-3 seeds every 12 inches after the last frost date, thin to one. Can use transplants if you are careful not to disturb roots. Start 6-7 weeks before set out date. Prefers full sun/partial shade. Non GMO Seeds.
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