Tomato Pomodoro Scatolone Not Available
Tomato Pomodoro Scatalone Largest San Marzano type. 75 days A San Marzano type paste tomato from Lazio. "Scatalone" means "Carton" because it can be picked pink and stored in a carton to ripen. Mid-Late Indeterminate Good taste; heavy producer. Long season. Regarded as the best San Marzano A very large plum variety with few seeds. Lots of pulp, thin skins and intense flavor makes it brilliant for making sauces and drying as well as eating fresh. A prolific producer this variety is later than most. Needs constant warm temperatures to fully ripen. The Scatalone has a distinctive tomato aroma with balanced acidity and sweetness. A heavy cropping tomato variety.
Terrific Tomato heirloom for those looking to get one of the best. A huge refined San Marzano type Tomato, ripens from the inside out and with a whole lot of pulp and flavor. Ideal for making sauce and canning. Large bright red fruits with few seeds and slightly flattened sides average 4 oz. in weight. The skin is quite crack resistant while the flesh is both meaty and mild, individual fruits ripen successively over the gardening season. Indeterminate variety
Stake or cage. Start transplant. April set out 20 May. Space 18” if pruning or staking; Space 24” if caged; or, just leave to sprawl. Primarily for sauce, preserving, but also good for eating fresh.