Swiss Chard, Bionda Di Lione, Bieta
Bionda Di Lione Swiss Chard Mid-Early. This chard has the very large leaves and thick stem of Verde a Costa Blanca, but the leaves are a lighter green. The pale green leaves are almost golden in color, and thick white midribs give this chard a different look. Makes exquisite baby greens at 25 days. A great new addition to the ever-expanding color range of this old-fashioned veggie. Lovely and delicious! Excellent taste. Grow year round by direct seed or transplants. For transplants, 2 seeds/cell, thin to one. Transplant at 5 weeks anytime from two weeks before last frost date. For direct seed, one seed every two inches, thin to one plant every six inches. Space rows at 12 inches. Harvest outer leaves or cut entire plant. Make succession plantings every eight or nine weeks. 60 days from direct seed; 50 from transplants. Use row covers to keep away leaf miners in the spring.
8 gram pack. Approximately 40-60 seeds per gram 55-60 days