Pumpkins, Moscade de Provence, Fairytale Pumpkin
Pumpkins, Moscade de Provence, Musquée de Provence/Fairy Tale Pumpkin Winter Squash Mid-late A gorgeous French heirloom pumpkin that averages about 15–20 lbs each and is deeply ribbed, looking exactly like fairy tale pumpkins in children’s storybooks. The large plants have enormous leaves and can produce heavily in fertile soil. The fruit start off a mottled forest green, ripening to a rich bronze, terracotta or mixed brownish blue-green color with deep brilliant-orange flesh. The very fine-grained flesh is considered by many to be superior to any other for baking, pies, pancakes, soups or roasting. If you love pie, this pumpkin is particularly well-suited for that, especially after slow roasting. Very sweet flesh, good for cooking, baking and decor. One customer said, “It’s like a spicy-smelling, mild cantaloupe.” Excellent storage 110 days
Uses: It is one of the only pumpkins that are eaten raw. In Provence, France, these pumpkins are sold fresh by the slice and eaten immediately. Sliced thinly from the middle like a wedge of cheese, the flesh is thick, dense, meaty and the flavor is complex and sweet with a light crunch. They almost beg to be roasted to caramelize the sugars and richen the flavors.
An extremely long keeper, just as delicious after keeping for 9 months as they are fresh. Another gardener said they ate their dining room decoration after 5 months!
Growing Tip Pumpkins like lots of heat to develop. Make sure to plant where there is plenty of sun, or against a south facing wall as a heat source in the northern areas.
Musquee de Provence (Cucurbita moschata) was hybridized in southern France where it was often sold by the slice in the marketplaces. It made its way back to North America in 1899 where it is also known as the Fairytale pumpkin. It is similar to the Long Island Cheese pumpkin. Both are flat like a wheel of cheese. Whereas the Long Island Cheese pumpkin averages 6 to 10 lbs, the Musquee de Provence is much larger, averaging a hefty 20 pounds. The fruit has prominent lobes. When ripe, it is a deep brownish orange. It is an excellent cooking pumpkin with flesh that is a deep orange color.
4 gram packet. Approximately 8-15 seeds per gram.