Seed Store

Pole Bean, Red Runner Bean, Preisgewinner

Preisgewinner, a type of Red Runner Bean, probably originating in Germany.  A pole or runner bean.  Red flowering; very long, fleshy pods, vigorous and productive. The beans are purple speckled with black. A favorite back garden variety. These can be eaten as green beans, half-ripe as shelled beans or dried as kidney beans.  35 gr approx 50 seeds or more.

METHOD OF PREPARATION: You can eat young tender pods like a Romano Bean. Usually they are boiled, steamed, sauteed, baked, French-cut (in strips) before cooking; immature seeds used like shelled beans, read cooked; ripe, dried seeds used like dry kidney or Lima beans, long cooked; flowers have a bean-like flavor and are used in salads. Young leaves used as a pot herb, starchy root cooked.  .

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