Fagiolo Nano Montalbano, Cannellino Bush Bean
Fagiolo Nano Montalbano, Canellino Bush Bean Similar to a Sorano bean, this cannellino is a very special selection of Cannellino, very appreciated in all Tuscany. Contained behavior, even growth and elevate productivity. The seed is white and medium-large sized. The leaves are medium green. The pods are more or less 11/12 cm. long and medium green that turns into cream-white when ripen. Medium early variety that ripens in 60 days at a fresh state and in 80 days at a dry-state
Dwarf bean 2'tall, with 5" long pod, which turns straw yellow when ripe. It is used by shelling the pods both fresh and dry. Contains 7/8 grains of ivory white, elongated.
It is sown between March and August and is harvested from May / June. The most sought-after bean: with a soft consistency and delicate flavor: excellent even if only boiled with salt and oil.
Medium late variety, cannellino type. Limited plant with simultaneous ripening, high productivity. Medium green leaves and white flowers. Pod 5" long, light green in color that becomes creamy white when ripe, elliptical in section, with thread. Containing 5-6 seeds that mark. White seed of medium-large size, elongated elliptical shape with elliptical section.
Cannellini shelling beans are harvested for the edible beans or seeds contained within their long pods. Pods are green when immature and will be ready to harvest as a shelling bean when the pods turn to a pale yellow hue. Additionally when mature, the beans will overtly shape their pods with each pod housing five to eight beans. The inner beans fit tightly within the pods and can be harvested and shelled when fresh or when the pods have completely dried. Cannellini shelling beans are white in their raw state and maintain their creamy color when dried and cooked. The beans are small with an ovate to slightly curved shape. They offer a sweet, nutty flavor and hearty, creamy texture when cooked. When cooked as a dried bean, expect Cannellini shelling beans to double in size.
Cannellini shelling beans can be used as a fresh shelling bean or as a dried bean. If used dried the beans should first be soaked before use. Cannellini shelling beans can be simmered, sautéed, roasted, fried, and braised. When boiling Cannellini shelling beans do not salt the water as this can cause their skins to become tough, rather wait to season the beans with salt to taste after cooking. Cannellini shelling beans are known to hold their shape well when cooked making them a welcome addition to bean salads, soups, and stews. Cooked beans can also be used to make pureed bean spreads and dips. Complimentary pairings include arugula, thyme, sage, parsley, basil, kale, tomatoes, wild mushrooms, garlic, peppercorns, shallots, lemon, pork, poultry, pecorino and parmesan cheeses, olive oil, and cured meats such as prosciutto and pancetta. To store keep fresh Cannellini beans wrapped in plastic and refrigerated. For best flavor fresh beans should be shelled and used within three to four days.
Cannellini shelling beans are an important ingredient in Italian cuisine. Classic Italian preparations include minestrone, pasta e fagioli (pasta and beans), and ribollita a Tuscan white bean stew. In Tuscany beans are an integral part of the regions cuisine, so much so that the people of Tuscany have come to be known by other Italians as “mangiafagioli” or “bean eaters”. Tuscan farmers traditionally would prepare “fagioli al fiasco” (beans in a flask) by placing beans in a glass jar and slow cooking in the fireplace overnight so they would have freshly cooked beans waiting for them in the morning.