Eggplant, Melanzana Matron Ibrido F.1
Eggplant. Melanzana IMatron Ibrido F.1 Mid-early. Vigorous, productive plant. Round medium sized fruits with dark purple shiny skin and very few seeds. This is an open pollinated hybrid.
if you only have room to grow one eggplant this is the if you only have room to grow one eggplant this is the one. I have grown many types of eggplant over the years and I have never found one that grows so well and produces loads of beautiful eggplants. Everyone that I have given eggplants to has always wanted to know what variety it is and where to get it, because they thought it was the best they ever tried; one that grows so well and produces loads of beautiful eggplants. Many think this is the best they ever tried.
75 days
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