Chicory, Cicoria Grumolo Verde
Chicory, Cicoria Grumolo Verde. Mid-early, rustic plant forming small leaf bunches of intense green. At the end of winter, the plant assumes it's typical rosette shape. This variety forms an attractive rosette of green leaves and a small heart if grown to maturity, but it is often sown as a 'cut and come again' salad leaf. In spring, 30 days to baby, 50 days to full size. I f grown for fall harvest, initial growth is a somewhat elongated head with large rounded leaves. After cutting, leave the root and crown and you will get the grumolo rosettes in the spring. Alternatively, plant later in summer and you should get rosettes the following spring
The seeds of this variety are sown quite thickly from May to August to produce a cut and come again salad until late October. It can also be sown thickly under glass all year round for 'salad leaves'. After frosts cut down foliage, and leave until March when new growth will appear and form rosettes of exceptional flavour. As these will often be the first fresh chicory to be harvested in early spring they are much appreciated. By cutting with a small piece of root, the flavour will be enhanced. They can also be cut later when small heads have formed.
Approximately 600-900 seeds per gram.