Cauliflower, Cavolfiore Di Sicilia Violetto
Cauliflower, Cavolfiore Di Sicilia Violetto Early. Regional variety from Sicily. Really lovely colors and excellent taste Growth habit similar to broccoli with many side shoots after you harvest the main head.
Sicilian violet cauliflower is a vigourous plant with broad, green-grey leaves and a striking violet, compact, medium-sized head. Forms numerous side shoots after you cut main head. Violet head turns green with cooking and has an excellent taste both raw and cooked. A very attractive plant with sweet mild taste. They're really in between broccoli and cauliflower, denser than broccoli and less dense than cauliflower with a great taste. It looks beautiful in the garden as well.The top head is about 6" across, nice and solid. The side shoots aare delicious in salads and stir frys and you may also cook and eat the leaves.
Plant for harvest in spring or autumn with transplants 5 weeks before setting out, or direct seed, 2-3 seeds per 16", and thin to one per 16". 65-80 days