Beans, Fagiolo Nano Cannellino, Bush Bean
Beans, Fagiolo Cannellino Nano, Bush Bean. Vigorous plant with good production of green pods and white beans. These small, white, kidney-shaped beans are very similar to the French flageolet beans that are used in cassoulet. This is also made in the parts of Italy that border France and Switzerland, but with cannellini beans instead. They are super quality beans and indispensable in winter dishes. They give good texture to stews, soups and casseroles and have a good flavour, even after being dried and rehydrated in water overnight. Unlike borlotti beans, cannelloni beans don't freeze well so are recommended for eating fresh and drying. There are several varieties but very little difference between them, so any one is fine to grow, planting when the ground is starting to warm up from April or May onwards
The Italian Heirloom bean that has been treasured for years made its way to America in the early 1800s. Cannellini beans are preferred by chefs for their smooth, rich and nutty flavor. The texture is potato-like, starchy and smooth. Cannellini beans are used as a dry shell bean and tend to run, so a sturdy support will increase production. Does well in cool weather.
Great beans for soup and stews. Can be used when small as a fresh bean and left to dry for later use.